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 ...the giant of constructivism "Not only did the SCENE project and partners benefit from his renowned expertise in PBL, but also from his tireless effort to make an impact in the worldwide educational context"


10,11 July 2012, Next project meeting in Braga (PT) (3)

"...start developing the PBL working environment and course curriculum"

220px-Arco da porta nova BragaThe next project meeting, hosted by the Faculty of Philosophy, Catholic University of Portugal (PT), will be held the 10 and 11 of July 2012. Not all partners will take part to the meeting but just the technological partners (FOR.COM., IT and University of Leicester, UK) and pedagogical/methodological experts: Faculty of Philosophy, Catholic University of Portugal and the Buck Institute for Education (USA).


Virtual Meeting 23 March 2012

"...go back on your experience and recall a typical problem/challenge you have solved!"

intervista1Susanna Correnti (FOR.COM.), Paulo Dias (Catholic Uni. of Portugal), Palitha Edirisingha (Uni. of Leicester) and David Jonassen (University of Missouri) participated in a virtual meeting about the interview to submit to teachers, trainers and headmasters/school managers (WP3). It was agreed to ask teachers and trainers to recall a typical problem as practical examples of they usually submit in classroom to students to teach each one discipline based on real-world scenarios. While, headmasters and school managers should recall a typical problem/challenge they have solved managing the school.

March 2012, SCENE project in Romania!

Magdalena Constanta Grigoras  of the Technical College "Mihai Bacescu" have had good opportunities to advertise the SCENE project in Romania by presenting the project main objectives and expected results to teachers and students. During the conference arranged by the College, 22 March 2012, on "Partnership for quality" the SCENE project was presented  to the audience: teachers, students, parents, citizens. In the occasion of a national seminar with 50 teachers arranged in Campulung (RO), 23 March 2012, the SCENE project was presented as example of European projects' good practice. Have a look at the Technical College "Mihai Bacescu" for more information