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 ...the giant of constructivism "Not only did the SCENE project and partners benefit from his renowned expertise in PBL, but also from his tireless effort to make an impact in the worldwide educational context"


ROME 5-9 March 2012

SCENE project presentation during the ICVET project meeting in Rome

01 susannaDuring the VI meeting of the ICVET project (Rome, 5-9 March ‘12), which is addressed to VET teachers and trainers, Susanna Correnti presented the SCENE project.  ICVET project ( intends to create and improve the ICT competencies of the 00 susannateachers/trainers in the Vocational Education and Training  (VET) partners EU schools, and the more efficient use of the ICT tools in the education of their students. Teachers and trainers of ICVET partnership were invited to join in the SCENE project.